The binary to decimal conversion works by assigning each digit in a binary number a positional value based on powers of 2. Starting from the rightmost digit, each digit's value is determined by 2 raised to the power of its position.
For example, consider the binary number 1101:
- The rightmost digit is 1, which corresponds to 2^0 (2 raised to the power of 0), so it contributes 1 to the decimal value.
- The next digit to the left is 0, so it doesn't contribute anything to the decimal value.
- The next digit is 1, corresponding to 2^2, so it contributes 4 to the decimal value.
- The leftmost digit is 1, corresponding to 2^3, so it contributes 8 to the decimal value.
Adding these contributions together (8 + 4 + 0 + 1), you get the decimal equivalent of 1101, which is 13.
In summary, each binary digit's position represents a power of 2, and the decimal equivalent is found by summing up these values.
Source Code
Designing a webpage for a binary to decimal converter involves creating a user-friendly interface. Here are some steps you can follow:
1. HTML Structure:
- Set up the basic HTML structure for the webpage.
- Include elements for input (binary number) and output (decimal result).
2. Input Form:
- Create a form with an input field for users to enter binary numbers.
- Add labels and placeholders to guide users.
3. Conversion Button:
- Include a button to trigger the conversion process.
4. Output Display:
- Design an area to display the decimal result after conversion.
- Make it clear and easily readable.
5. JavaScript for Conversion:
- Use JavaScript to handle the binary to decimal conversion when the button is clicked.
- Update the output area with the converted decimal value.
6. Error Handling:
- Implement error handling to validate user input (check for valid binary digits).
- Display informative messages if input is incorrect.
7. Styling:
- Apply CSS for a visually appealing layout.
- Ensure responsive design for various screen sizes.
8. Accessibility:
- Consider accessibility by using semantic HTML and providing alternative text for images.
9. User Instructions:
- Include clear instructions on how to use the converter.
- Consider adding tooltips or a brief guide if needed.
10. Testing:
- Test the webpage with different browsers and devices to ensure compatibility.
- Check for any bugs or issues during the conversion process.
11. Documentation:
- Document the code, especially if it's intended for others to use or modify.
Remember to keep the design simple and intuitive, focusing on a smooth user experience for converting binary to decimal.
Here's the simplified source code
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<title>Binary to Decimal Converter</title>
function convertBinaryToDecimal() {
const binaryInput = document.getElementById('binaryInput').value;
const decimalOutput = document.getElementById('decimalOutput');
// Using parseInt to convert binary to decimal
const decimalValue = parseInt(binaryInput, 2);
// Displaying the result
decimalOutput.innerHTML = `Decimal: ${decimalValue}`;
#binary-container {
border:2px solid blue;
box-shadow:6px 6px 6px #000;
border:2px solid black;
h2 {
padding:auto 10px;
label {
#decimalOutput {
<div id="binary-container">
<h2>VS Code Utility</h2>
<h2>Binary to Decimal Converter</h2>
<label for="binaryInput">Enter Binary Number:</label>
<input type="text" id="binaryInput" oninput="convertBinaryToDecimal()">
<p id="decimalOutput">Decimal: </p>