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Bricks Calculator, Source code in HTML, CSS and JavaScript

How to create bricks calculetor page using HTML, CSS and JavaScript?

Coding and Programming, VS Educations, HTML tutorial, HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Bricks Calculator  source code

In this post we are going to discuss about how to create a bricks calculator using html, css and javascript. Here, in our code we will use the dimensions of a bricks and dimensions of  the wall to design the calculator with the help of html, css and javascript. So let us first see the live preview of the calculator and then we will go to coding section to understand the code format to understand the interface and its working.

Brick Calculator

Bricks Calculator HTML Code

The Bricks Calculator HTML code is designed to help users quickly calculate the number of bricks required for a construction project. This user-friendly tool allows individuals to input key dimensions, such as wall length, height, and brick size, to determine the total number of bricks needed.

Features of the Bricks Calculator:

1. Input Fields: The calculator includes input fields for wall length, wall height, and brick dimensions (length, width, and height). Users can easily enter the required measurements.
2. Calculation Logic: Embedded JavaScript logic processes the input values to compute the total number of bricks required. It factors in the volume of the wall and the volume of a single brick to give an accurate estimate.
3. Responsive Design: The HTML code is crafted to be responsive, making it accessible on various devices such as desktops, tablets, and smartphones.
4. Instant Results: As soon as the user inputs the dimensions, the calculator instantly displays the number of bricks needed, making it a quick and efficient tool.
5. Clear and Reset Functions: Users can easily clear all input fields or reset the calculator for a new calculation, enhancing usability.
6. Customizable: The code can be customized to include additional features like mortar thickness or different brick sizes, depending on user requirements.


This HTML-based calculator is ideal for builders, architects, and DIY enthusiasts looking to estimate the number of bricks required for their construction projects. By providing a simple, intuitive interface, it streamlines the planning process and helps users avoid over- or underestimating brick quantities.

Source Code:

<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang="en">


    <meta charset="UTF-8">

    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

    <title>Brick Calculator</title>


    input[type=number] {

        margin:10px auto;






    #main-container {



        border:2px solid blue;



    #calculate-bricks {



        margin:25px auto;










<div id="main-container">

    <h2>Brick Calculator</h2>

    <form id="brickForm">

        <label for="height">Wall Height (cm):</label>

        <input type="number" id="height" required>


        <label for="length">Wall Length (cm):</label>

        <input type="number" id="length" required>


        <label for="width">Wall Width (cm):</label>

        <input type="number" id="width" required>


        <label for="brickLength">Brick Length (cm):</label>

        <input type="number" id="brickLength" required>


        <label for="brickBreadth">Brick Breadth (cm):</label>

        <input type="number" id="brickBreadth" required>


        <label for="brickHeight">Brick Height (cm):</label>

        <input type="number" id="brickHeight" required>


        <label for="cementThickness">Cement Layer Thickness (cm):</label>

        <input type="number" id="cementThickness" value="1">


        <label for="numWindows">Number of Windows:</label>

        <input type="number" id="numWindows" value="0">


        <label for="windowLength">Window Length (cm):</label>

        <input type="number" id="windowLength">


        <label for="windowBreadth">Window Breadth (cm):</label>

        <input type="number" id="windowBreadth">


        <label for="numGates">Number of Gates:</label>

        <input type="number" id="numGates" value="0">


        <label for="gateLength">Gate Length (cm):</label>

        <input type="number" id="gateLength">


        <label for="gateBreadth">Gate Breadth (cm):</label>

        <input type="number" id="gateBreadth">


<label for="numPillars">Number of Pillars:</label>

        <input type="number" id="numPillars" value="0">


        <label for="pillarsBreadth">Pillars Breadth (cm):</label>

        <input type="number" id="pillarsBreadth">


        <label for="pillarsLength">Pillar Length (cm):</label>

        <input type="number" id="pillarsLength">


<label for="pillarsHeight">Pillar Height (cm):</label>

        <input type="number" id="pillarsHeight">


        <button type="button" id="calculate-bricks" onclick="calculateBricks()">Calculate Total Bricks</button>


  <div id="result"></div>



        function calculateBricks() {

            const cementThickness = parseFloat(document.getElementById("cementThickness").value);         

            const height = parseFloat(document.getElementById("height").value);

            const length = parseFloat(document.getElementById("length").value);

            const width = parseFloat(document.getElementById("width").value);

            const brickLength = parseFloat(document.getElementById("brickLength").value) + cementThickness;

            const brickBreadth = parseFloat(document.getElementById("brickBreadth").value) + 2 * cementThickness;

            const brickHeight = parseFloat(document.getElementById("brickHeight").value) + cementThickness;   

           const numWindows = parseFloat(document.getElementById("numWindows").value) || 0;

            const windowLength = parseFloat(document.getElementById("windowLength").value) || 0;

            const windowBreadth = parseFloat(document.getElementById("windowBreadth").value) || 0;

            const numGates = parseFloat(document.getElementById("numGates").value) || 0;

            const gateLength = parseFloat(document.getElementById("gateLength").value) || 0;

            const gateBreadth = parseFloat(document.getElementById("gateBreadth").value) || 0;

            const numPillars = parseFloat(document.getElementById("numPillars").value) || 0;

            const pillarsLength = parseFloat(document.getElementById("pillarsLength").value) || 0;

            const pillarsBreadth = parseFloat(document.getElementById("pillarsBreadth").value) || 0;

            const pillarsHeight = parseFloat(document.getElementById("pillarsHeight").value) || 0;

            // Calculate volumes

            const windowVolume = windowLength * windowBreadth * brickLength;

            const gateVolume = gateLength * gateBreadth * brickLength;

            const pillarsVolume = pillarsLength * pillarsBreadth * pillarsHeight;

            const wallVolume = height * length * width;

            const cementLayerVolume = cementThickness * length * width;

            // Adjusted Wall Volume

            const adjustedWallVolume = wallVolume - (numWindows * windowVolume + numGates * gateVolume);

            // Final Volume

            const finalVolume = adjustedWallVolume - cementThickness * height * width;

            const finaleVolume = finalVolume - pillarsVolume;

            // Calculate the number of bricks needed

            const brickVolume = brickLength * brickBreadth * brickHeight;

            const totalBricks = finaleVolume / brickVolume;

            // Display the result

            document.getElementById("result").innerText = `Total Bricks Required: ${Math.ceil(totalBricks)}`;





Incorporating a bricks calculator into your project planning can significantly enhance accuracy and efficiency, ensuring you have the right amount of materials without the hassle of manual calculations. Whether for a small DIY task or a large construction project, this tool simplifies the process, saves time, and minimizes errors, making it an essential addition to any builder's toolkit.

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