What is Total blocking time in Google Search console?

1. What is Total blocking time in Google Search console?

Total Blocking Time in Google Search Console refers to the cumulative time during which the main thread of a webpage is blocked and cannot be used to respond to user input. It is a metric that reflects how much time a page is unresponsive to user interactions due to JavaScript execution. Lower total blocking time is generally better for user experience and can positively impact a website's performance in search results.

2. How to reduce total blocking time?

To reduce Total Blocking Time and improve the performance of your website, consider the following tips

1. Optimize JavaScript Minimize and defer JavaScript execution where possible. Remove unnecessary scripts and ensure they are efficiently coded.

2. Async and Defer Attributes Use the "async" or "defer" attributes for scripts to make sure they don't block rendering. This allows the browser to continue parsing HTML while simultaneously fetching and executing scripts.

3. Lazy Loading Implement lazy loading for images and other non-critical resources. This delays the loading of elements until they are needed, reducing initial page load time.

4. Browser Caching Leverage browser caching to store static resources on the user's device, reducing the need to download them on subsequent visits.

5. Optimize CSS Minimize and concatenate CSS files. Use efficient selectors and consider critical CSS techniques to prioritize loading essential styles first.

6. Reduce Server Response Time Ensure your server responds quickly to requests. Optimize server-side code, database queries, and utilize caching mechanisms.

7. Content Delivery Network (CDN) Use a CDN to distribute static assets across multiple servers geographically, reducing latency and improving load times.

8. Image Optimization Compress and optimize images to reduce file sizes without compromising quality. Consider using modern image formats like WebP.

9. Prefetch and Preconnect Use the `<link rel="prefetch">` and `<link rel="preconnect">` tags to give hints to the browser about resources that will be needed in the future.

10. Monitor and Test Regularly monitor your website's performance using tools like Google PageSpeed Insights or Lighthouse. Test your site on different devices and browsers to ensure a consistent and optimized experience.

By implementing these optimizations, you can work towards reducing Total Blocking Time and providing a faster, more responsive experience for your website visitors.


While it's true that JavaScript typically runs in response to events or function calls, the challenge arises when JavaScript execution affects the rendering of the page. When JavaScript is executed, it can potentially block the browser's main thread, preventing it from handling user inputs or updating the page until the script has finished running.

This is particularly relevant in the context of Total Blocking Time, which measures the cumulative time during which the main thread is blocked and cannot respond to user input. Even if JavaScript is triggered by an event or function call, if it takes a considerable amount of time to execute, it can lead to a poor user experience.

To mitigate this, developers often employ techniques like asynchronous loading, deferred execution, and optimizing JavaScript code to ensure that it runs efficiently without causing significant delays in the page's responsiveness. Additionally, understanding and managing the order in which scripts are loaded and executed can contribute to minimizing blocking time.

JavaScript is commonly used in blog posts and websites to enhance user experience, provide interactive features, and add dynamic content. It allows for the creation of engaging elements such as image sliders, interactive forms, and more. While it's important to use JavaScript for these purposes, optimizing its implementation is key to maintaining good performance.

Here are some best practices when using JavaScript in blog posts

1. Load JavaScript Asynchronously Use the "async" or "defer" attribute when including external JavaScript files to ensure they don't block the rendering of the page.

2. Minimize and Concatenate Scripts Reduce the number of script files and minify them to decrease their size. Combining multiple scripts into one file can also improve loading times.

3. Lazy Loading Implement lazy loading for elements that are not immediately visible on the screen, such as images below the fold. This can significantly improve initial page load times.

4. Optimize Third-Party Scripts If you're using third-party scripts or libraries, make sure they are optimized and consider hosting them locally to reduce dependencies on external servers.

5. Prioritize Critical JavaScript Identify and load essential scripts needed for the initial page rendering first. This is known as critical rendering path optimization.

6. Caching Strategies Leverage browser caching for JavaScript files to reduce load times for returning visitors.

7. Regularly Review and Update Periodically review your JavaScript code and dependencies to ensure they are up-to-date and continue to meet your performance goals.

Remember that a balance between functionality and performance is crucial. By implementing these best practices, you can use JavaScript effectively in your blog posts while ensuring a smooth and fast user experience.

3. There are many blogposts which I have created on my blog page in which Java script is used. Will it affect the total blocking time? beacuse it's javascript runs only when the particular blogpost is opened and intended to use.

If your JavaScript blogposts are created to run only when explicitly opened or used by the user, and they are not running during the initial page load, then the impact on Total Blocking Time should be minimal. Total Blocking Time is particularly concerned with the time during which the main thread is blocked and cannot respond to user input during the initial page load.

However, it's always good practice to ensure that the JavaScript code for your calculators is optimized for performance. Here are some tips

1. Asynchronous Loading If the calculators use external JavaScript files, consider loading them asynchronously or with the "defer" attribute to avoid blocking the main thread.

2. Code Efficiency Ensure that the JavaScript code for your calculat
orsIf each calculator on your blog contains its JavaScript code and is set up to run only when it is opened or intended to be used, the impact on Total Blocking Time during the initial page load should indeed be minimal. Since the JavaScript for each calculator is not executed until the user interacts with or opens the specific calculator, it won't contribute significantly to the initial loading performance.

However, it's still a good practice to ensure that the JavaScript code within each calculator is efficient and optimized for performance. Here are a few additional tips

1. Minimize Code Keep the JavaScript code concise and eliminate any unnecessary functions or lines of code to improve efficiency.

2. Event Handling If the calculators involve user interactions, make sure event handling is appropriately managed, and consider using event delegation for efficiency.

3. Testing Periodically test your blog page's performance, especially if you add or modify calculators, to catch any potential issues that might impact user experience.

By following these guidelines, you can continue to use JavaScript for your calculators without significant concerns about Total Blocking Time during the initial page load. is well-optimized and doesn't cause unnecessary delays. Minimize and concatenate scripts where possible.

3. Lazy Loading If your blog post involve additional resources like images or scripts, you might consider lazy loading these resources to improve overall page load performance.

4. Testing Regularly test your blog page's performance using tools like Google PageSpeed Insights or Lighthouse to identify and address any potential issues.

By following these practices, you can maintain a positive user experience even when using JavaScript for interactive elements like calculators on your blog page.

4. What is render blocking resources. Give examples?

Render-blocking resources are elements on a web page that prevent the browser from rendering the page until they are fully loaded and processed. These resources can delay the initial display of content to the user, negatively impacting the perceived page load speed. Examples of render-blocking resources include

Render Blocking Resource

1. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) External CSS files, especially those included in the `<head>` of the HTML document, can be render-blocking. The browser may wait to render the page until it has fetched and processed these stylesheets.

2. JavaScript Both external and inline JavaScript can be render-blocking. JavaScript often manipulates the DOM (Document Object Model) and can prevent rendering until it is fully executed.

3. Web Fonts If your webpage uses custom web fonts, the browser may wait for the font files to be downloaded before rendering the text, causing a delay in displaying the content.

4. Blocking Images Large or uncompressed images can be render-blocking, especially if they are placed near the top of the page. The browser may wait to render the page until these images are fully loaded.

Here are a few more examples of render-blocking resources

1. External Stylesheets Besides CSS files, other external stylesheets, such as those linked from CDNs or third-party sources, can be render-blocking if not loaded efficiently.

2. Synchronous Scripts JavaScript included without the "async" or "defer" attributes can block rendering. This includes scripts in the `<head>` section or those without asynchronous loading attributes.

3. Inline CSS While inline styles are not typically render-blocking, extensive use of inline CSS can affect rendering if it introduces complexity or large amounts of style information directly within the HTML.

4. Third-Party Widgets and Embeds Widgets, iframes, or embeds from third-party sources can be render-blocking if they rely on external scripts that the browser needs to fetch and execute before rendering the page.

5. CSS and JavaScript in HTML Including styles and scripts directly within the HTML file can be render-blocking, especially if they are large or complex. This is less common, as it's generally advisable to keep styles and scripts in separate files.

6. Unoptimized or Deferred Images Images that are not optimized for the web or are deferred in loading (e.g., through lazy loading) can affect rendering if they are near the top of the page.

7. Critical Rendering Path Issues Anything that interrupts the critical rendering path, such as excessive DOM manipulation or modifications, can lead to render-blocking behavior.

It's crucial to assess and optimize these resources to ensure a smoother and faster user experience by minimizing render-blocking delays during the page load process.
Mitigating render-blocking resources is essential for improving page load times and user experience. Techniques such as asynchronous loading, deferred loading, and optimizing resource delivery can help reduce the impact of render-blocking elements on your website.

To add the `async` attribute to a script tag in HTML, you can include it within the opening script tag. The `async` attribute tells the browser to begin downloading the script file immediately, but it doesn't block the HTML parser, allowing other elements to be processed.

Here's an example of how you can add the `async` attribute to a script tag

<script async src="your-script.js"></script>

In this example

- `async` is the attribute that makes the script load asynchronously.
- `src` is the attribute specifying the source (URL) of the JavaScript file.

Make sure to place this script tag appropriately in your HTML file, depending on when you want the script to be executed. For example, if you want the script to be executed as soon as it's available, you might include it in the `<head>` of your HTML file. If it's not critical for the initial rendering, placing it just before the closing `</body>` tag can improve page load performance.

Remember, while using `async` allows the script to be downloaded asynchronously, it doesn't guarantee the order of execution if multiple scripts are present. If script execution order is important, consider using the `defer` attribute instead or managing script dependencies explicitly in your code.

To prevent external CSS files from render-blocking, you can use the `async` or `defer` attributes when including the `<link>` tag in your HTML. However, it's important to note that these attributes behave differently for CSS than they do for JavaScript.

1. Using `async`
   <link rel="stylesheet" href="your-styles.css" async>
   While `async` can be used for CSS, be cautious, as it might not work as expected in all browsers. It's generally more suitable for scripts.

2. Using `defer`
   <link rel="stylesheet" href="your-styles.css" defer>
   The `defer` attribute is a better choice for CSS. It ensures that the stylesheet is downloaded asynchronously but will only be applied after the HTML has been fully parsed.

It's worth noting that in some cases, deferring the loading of CSS may lead to a brief period where the page is unstyled. If this is a concern, you may consider inlining critical CSS directly into the HTML to ensure the essential styles are applied immediately.

  /* Critical CSS styles here */
<link rel="stylesheet" href="your-styles.css" defer>

This way, you get the benefits of asynchronous loading for non-critical styles while ensuring the critical styles are applied without delay. As always, testing and monitoring your website's performance after making changes is advisable to ensure the desired results.

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Shakti Prakash is an elementary school teacher from Uttar Pradesh, India and additionally contributing his effort in educational blogs through the website VS Educations

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